
Sunday, July 10, 2016

A New Blog, and only the name has to do with sewing

You don't have to, but I strongly encourage you to, go here.  Stitches of Bipolar Its ramblings, but there will be useful info.  Thanks to my big sis Megan Nelson for urging me to start a blog about my experience with bipolar.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

A new beginning - and a free pattern!

A few years ago, when I started Aunt Mamie's Quilts, I was only focusing on quilting.  Since then, I have discovered great pattern companies for Swoon bags and Patterns for Pirates clothing.  I've taken time off to get healthy, and I've taken trips to learn new programs like EQ7, go to national quilt shows like Quilt Week, and to shop!  Now, I'm ready to refocus, share more, and sell more!

I wanted to rebrand, while keeping Aunt Mamie alive, so I thought about what the name needed to mean.  My oldest nephew named me Aunt Mamie when he couldn't say Aunt Amy.  He has two younger brothers.  Between them, they have all had stitches.  I stitch for a living (though thankfully not the same kind - medical needles and I are a bad match).  So, Aunt Mamie Stitches seemed perfect!

And now for your free gift - my first pattern that is written up!  I call this Science is for Girls Too, because the print is mod 60's science-y and the pattern is DNA.  Its a simple, one block pattern using a variation of a Half Square Triangle.  Click here to download the pattern!

I hope to write many more patterns in the future.  Plan on the first batch being free while I get my sea legs, and then I do plan on pricing them in line with the market.

Let the fun begin!